Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!


I’ll be posting a few pictures from our Easter celebrations soon, but before I get to that, I have to say that by far my favorite part of this Easter has been teaching Huston about Jesus’ resurrection.  I bought him some “resurrection eggs” that tell the story of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.  He loves playing with those eggs even more than I could have hoped and calls them his “resin eggs.”  At first I thought it would all be way over his head, and I know that many parts of the story are pretty complex for him, but he can tell most of the story at least in a simple way.  For example, he loves opening the first egg (which has a donkey inside) and saying “Jesus rode in on a donkey.  They say ‘Hosanna to the King’.”  The fourth egg has praying hands for when Jesus prayed in the garden and Huston will say “Jesus prayed to God” and clasp his hands together and squeeze his eyes shut.  For the eggs that have a whip and a crown of thorns in them, Huston says “They hurt Jesus” and when we get to the egg with the cross in it, he says “Jesus died on the cross for he loves us.”

On Monday, the day after Easter, Huston was playing in the living room with the eggs and he called “Mommy!  Mommy! Mommy!”  I came into the living room to see him with the 12th egg cracked open (the empty one – signifying the empty tomb) and he exclaimed “Jesus is alive!”  My heart just leapt with joy at his proclamation.  It was one of my favorite moments in life ever.  So sweet – so true – so simple – so profound – coming from the mouth of my little boy.  Thank you, Jesus.


  1. I too loved hearing him tell the Easter story. My favorite part? "Huston, why did Jesus die on the cross?"..."Because he loves us. He loves mommy, daddy and Ashlee." So sweet!

  2. Aw! That's awesome, I wish I had some for Savannah now. Are they the ones that Family Life makes? I will need to get some for next year.
