Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow is Overrated

Despite our not-so-great experience playing in the snow earlier in the week, the freshly fallen, fluffy snow tempted us outside again this morning. Although my instinct is always to stay inside where it's warm and just enjoy the view, I also think I might be denying my kids an essential part of their childhood if I don't take them outside to play in the snow, especially since it's so rare. Well, from now on, I won't feel bad about denying. Although Arden loved seeing the snow while we were holding her, she promptly fell as soon as we set her down and got all wet again. And why are there no pictures of Huston, you ask? Could it be because he started screaming and crying when we said we were going to play in the snow, tried to rip off his jacket, and refused to stand up when I set him down outside, which caused him to fall forward and get all wet and scream some more. It was awesome and soooo worth all of the wet clothes and towels and changing clothes and definitely, most definitely, worth the screaming. We're thinking about doing it all over again after lunch.

Why, yes, those are socks on my daughter's hands. Why, no, we don't have any gloves or mittens for our children.

After the great snow debacle, we came inside and Arden colored her first picture. She's been really into pretending that she's writing with pens lately, and she enjoyed taking the colors out of the box. Very little actual coloring took place, but she had fun anyway.

Here's Huston earlier this week, enjoying the view of the snow from the window.


  1. I love that there was screaming mixed with snow...classic! I love Arden's outfit by the way - too cute!

  2. too funny.. Zoe was did not love it either, but we didnt really give her a choice! and i dont have gloves for her either, just really long jacket sleeves :)
