Monday, March 7, 2011


This is Arden on Sunday. She sat in her chair forever, surrounded by her books, just talking and reading and pointing at the pictures. I got some sweet video of it, too. She has quite the vocabulary now, with one of her first and favorite and most frequently used words being "up." She also says and signs "please" (leeease) and "thank you" (dant youuuuu). She can say "I love you," dada, doggie, and no no (this one cracks me up because she'll just bust it out randomly like when I try to feed her something she doesn't want she'll all of a sudden look up at me and say "nooo, noooo" and shake her head at me). She loves to say "yuck!" (a favorite learned from her big brother) and can say diaper, poo poo, and burp. All wonderful words, I know. She loves this book that we got for Huston when he was potty training about a little boy named Joshua and his potty. It tells you all the ins and outs of the body and she loves the page with the bottom on it. Last night Clarke read the side about how Joshua's body has many nice and useful parts, a head for thinking, eyes for seeing, etc. The opposite page says "...and a bottom for sitting and in it a little hole for making poo poo." (I know, I know...Clarke hates this book, for the record). Anyway, after he read the first page, Arden just pointed to the next page and said, quite matter-of-factly, "Poo Poo." It cracked us up.

She got her toe nails painted for the first time on Sunday. I was painting mine and she kept signing please the whole time. I was going to put the polish away, but she looked at me urgently, signing please and pointing to her toes. It was so cute! So I held her on my lap and painted her nails and she sat perfectly still. She's such a girly girl!

This is Huston playing outside yesterday. We had chalk out and he told me he was a painter and he was just painting the ground. Clarke and I always talk about how strange it is that Huston doesn't really play with toys. At all. His favorite things to do are to reenact real-life events. The other night he loved when I put on a pair of his glasses and he would pretend to fix them for me when they were broken. A few weeks ago he was playing with Bear Bear and he told me, "Bear Bear just keeps screaming. I've told him, like, five times, but he just keeps doing it on purpose." So, Bear Bear is also a big player on the pretending scene in his little world. Bear Bear had to get x-rays on his arm last week, because he broke his arm, too.

Huston is still such a big questioner. Everything is "why" and he'll ask you things over and over and over. So inquisitive. I can hardly ever get pictures of him because he runs away and gets so mad when I get out the camera. This past week he finally asked us to uncover the knobs on his bed, which had been draped with sheets for a year or so because he was afraid of them. Then he said, "Why didn't you know that I wasn't afraid of them anymore?" Speaking of afraid, he is still petrified of getting his nails clipped, especially his toe nails.

Those are all of my random thoughts for the moment. I just wanted a reason to post these pictures of my cuties.

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