Wednesday, February 29, 2012

In The Trenches

We've been sick this week. Isn't it weird how in the midst of sickness you feel like you will never come out on the other side? That's where I've been this week - deep, deep in the trenches.

Saturday night I woke up and got sick in the middle of the night. Like 8 times, no joke. I thought I was feeling better Sunday, but then got sick a few more times Sunday evening, and my dear, sweet parents picked up the kids and took them to spend the night so I could get rest, and so the kids, hopefully, wouldn't get sick.

Monday was restful for me. Aside from lots of laundry and cleaning the bathrooms, I mostly took it easy.

I was feeling better by Tuesday morning when my mom called on her way to return my children to say that Arden had just thrown up in the car. My heart sunk and I met them in the driveway with towels and washed Arden down and started more loads of laundry.

I was so afraid Arden had caught what I had, but she immediately started asking for snacks and eating and drinking, and running around and playing. She must be inclined towards some kind of motion sickness, because this is at least the third time (including the rodeo incident, and one Thursday on our way to Bible study) that she has gotten sick in the car. Let me tell you, cleaning vomit out of car seats is not for the weak hearted.

That afternoon I discovered a leak under the pipe in our kitchen sink, so I had to tear everything out, dry it out, throw stuff away, and put a bowl under the leak. My dad stopped by to investigate and give advice, and hopefully it's something Clarke can fix this weekend.

But it was just one more thing on top of a bad week. I was feeling defeated by evening, but grateful that both kids seemed to be feeling well when they went to bed.

Until, that is, Huston woke up in the middle of the night and threw up twice. All over everything. Including the newly cleaned bathroom, sheets, pajamas, carpet... just everything.

More laundry and a sleepless night because I was so worried about him. I am so thankful that my wonderful school managed to find a sub for me, so I could stay home with him today.

Thankfully, Huston woke up and has been fine all day, though he's taking a much needed nap now. The first thing he said when he woke up was, "Mommy! I threw up in the middle of the night!" (Said in a very proud and excited voice).

I am just about over vomit and laundry and cleaning bathrooms.

But, as miserable as this week was at times (ok, most of the time), I am thankful that we seem to be coming out on the other side of all of this. I am praising the Lord for washing machines, healthy kids, wonderful parents, and a husband who will play with the kids the whole weekend I was sick, so they never even missed me.

I'm thankful for this sweet girl, who has been wearing her brother's shin guards (we've just signed him up for soccer, though he might have to miss his first practice today). And yes, she is picking her nose with her toe.

I'm thankful for my boy who loves his "Dinah" and loves building houses and towers lately.

I'm thankful for playtime with both of them today that, for some reason, involved pretending we were holding lots of baby lobsters (who were nice) but trying to run away from big lobsters (who were mean).

I'm thankful for the little things, like how both Huston and Arden have been obsessed with coloring lately - treasure maps, rainbows, guns from Halo. I was going to take a picture and count all of the papers they have used for their creations, but it was really just too much effort. They create many, many pieces of art every day, and I just love it.

And I'm thankful for other silly things, like the way Huston breaks apart every snack he eats - creating piles of crumbs and infuriating me at times, but also making me smile at his quirkiness. (Quirky is a new word he likes to say - learned from Sesame Street).

And I'll end this post with Huston's prayer at lunch time today. I think we can all agree with his words:

"Thank you God for this day. And for our guns and for Halo and guns and our food. Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Oh friend, you know that I'm feeling for you guys right now. You are so right, it feels like you're in the trenches when everyone is sick. I love that you can see past that and be thankful for so many blessings in your life. Praying for smooth days ahead and healthy babies!
