Clarke and I had a great time celebrating Easter with our families this past weekend. I was so excited because I thought that Huston would definitely be interested in looking for Easter eggs this year and that I'd be able to get some cute pictures of him. All of my friends with kids Huston's age have posted adorable pictures of their little ones looking for Easter eggs and holding their Easter baskets. Huston, on the other hand, wanted nothing to do with egg-hunting or basket-holding. So all we have is a video of him running away from the Easter eggs and doing everything possible to avoid them and ignore our attempts to get him interested in them. It was actually pretty funny to see. My little guy definitely marches to the beat of his own drum.
While he wasn't into egg hunting, Huston did have a blast opening and closing doors at both grandparents' houses (as usual), going up and down stairs, and playing outside. He wore himself out playing and had only about a 15 minute nap both Saturday and Sunday. Here's a picture of him with his cousins (my brother's twins) in their matching Easter shirts. (I had to put goldfish crackers on his legs so he'd stay on the couch long enough to take this picture.)
We love their matching outfits! Those are for sure some of the cutest little boys I have ever seen! Can't wait to see them all again in person this summer! (My mom is excited to see them also)!