Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Welcome to our new blog! This first post is dedicated to my sweet friend, Melody, who created and ran our old blog. Without her I never would have started blogging, and you all would be without the Huston updates that I know you love (or at least tolerate). Thanks, Mel. You're the best.

This is really just a test post to see if I know how to blog by myself. If my pictures are all upside down and everything is formatted funny, you'll know why Melody was always in charge of this before. I'm not going to waste my time writing too much, in case I accidentally delete everything. Here are a few pictures of Huston from a few weeks ago when we went to the Dallas arboretum with my friend Lindsey and her son, Gibson.


  1. love the new blog...And your smiling sweet boy!

  2. So cute, Jennifer! I can't wait for more blog posts!

  3. I always enjoy seeing new pics of Huston! He is the most adorable and handsome little guy ever:)

  4. Jennifer,
    Love your blog. I'll be checking in often so keep us updated. Huston is a cutie.
