Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Recent Favorites

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a post on Huston’s favorite things and recent developments.  I watch him grow and change every day and try to treasure every little thing, but of course I know I will forget most of them.  So here are a few things I’d like to remember about Huston at 2 years and a month!

Huston has been really into reading books lately.  He will ask me to read the same one over and over again, and as bored as I can get doing that, I must admit that I love to have him snuggled up in the chair with me.  He’s been so into his books that he’ll even go into his room by himself and “read” alone sometimes.  It’s so cute to listen to him!  Just this week, two of his favorite books have been “Baby Mickey’s Nap” and “The Going to Bed Book” (which he calls “rock, rock, sleep” because the animals rock to sleep at the end). 

He still loves opening doors (I’m wondering if this love with ever fade) and ringing the doorbell.  He loves watching Elmo, eating gummy fruit snacks (“gummies”), and jumping with both feet (a skill which he suddenly developed on September 2nd after watching an older boy at Gymboree jumping with both feet and trying to imitate him).  He loves playing with balls and currently has 5 balls made out of clay that his Mimi gave him that he likes to throw around.  He also likes to instruct his daddy to throw them “high off the wall,” “up high,” “on the chairs,” and to “hit the fan” with them.  He always wants to know where all five balls are and at any minute of the day can suddenly yell “BLUE ONE!” or “WHITE ONE!” which means we must immediately search the house until the missing ball is located.

Here are a few pictures of his new red ball (a present from our friends, Ryan and Abby).  He loves this ball and, while he’s quite good at sharing most of the time, does not like for other people to touch it without permission.  The first day he had it, he insisted on holding it in his lap the entire way to the airport to pick up Clarke and the entire way home.  All I could see in the rearview mirror was a giant red ball with a tuft of hair on top!

Huston is talking so much these days that it’s hard for me to keep up.  He’s stringing together 5 and 6 words at a time and picking up new words constantly.  A few funny words that he still says are “yaya” for later, “day day” for another day, “teet teet teet” for birds, “fah-see” for sorry, and “eee up” for look up and wake up.  He also likes to add the word “one” after colors words.  Like he’ll say “white one car” or “yellow one ball.”  He loves to play with our deodorant, for some reason, and can frequently be heard saying “daddy’s blue one be-de-bent” (the deodorant Clarke uses) and “Huston’s green one be-de-bent” (the one he’s allowed to play with).

He has hated taking a bath recently and is deathly afraid of having water poured on his hair to rinse out his shampoo.  We’re still working through that.  He’s also not gotten used to going to the nursery since my bible study has started again, but I’m hoping he’ll get over that soon.  He hates singing happy birthday or even hearing the words “happy birthday” and ever since Clarke’s birthday party has been saying “all done singing Mimi’s house” because, apparently, hearing us all sing happy birthday to Clarke was quite traumatic.

I am very, very afraid that Huston’s days of napping are coming to an end soon.  Yesterday and today he refused to take a nap and he has consistently been going a day or two a week without a nap for several weeks now.  Add to that the fact that both Clarke and his mom gave up napping at age 2, and I don’t know that I have a chance.  Today I tried twice to put him down, and both times (when it was obvious he wasn’t going to sleep), I went back in to get him and said something like “hey – why aren’t you taking a nap?”  The rest of the day he kept saying to me: “Heeeey – ni-night time?” (in a voice meant to imitate me) followed by “Me” and then giddy laughter.  It’s as if he was repeating what I said to him and then saying that he laughed when I said it because it was so hilarious.  He is a definite crack-up.

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