Almost every morning when he wakes up and I walk in his room to get him, he says "all done seep-sing (sleeping) big boy bed." He always refers to it as his "big boy bed" - I guess because that's what I always call it.
Some randomness:
Huston has been really interested in his little storybook Bible lately. He asks to read his "Bible book" and last night he wanted to do it "all by self" (as has been his frequent request lately). I asked him to read it to me and he said "Jesus God's son, Noah build it big boat, Noah get two." I'm assuming the last part meant two of every animal. Pretty adorable.
"Elmo's World" has been replaced by "Barney" as Huston's favorite TV show. He especially loves the "Wild West Adventure" episode, which he refers to as "Barney clock in it" because there's a clock that rings at the end of the episode when it's time for the "showdown." (He is extremely obsessed with clocks). He almost always asks to watch this episode as soon as he wakes up.
He loves for me to sing the Barney song before he goes to sleep, and also likes to sing it himself. His version goes "I wuv you...fweet wuv me...we happy family...wuv me too." The other night I had asked him to say hi to baby Arden in my belly, which he did, and then he later came back and rubbed my belly and sang baby Arden the Barney song.
Huston has also discovered "The Dick Van Dyke Show" - a Rogers' family staple. He loves the theme song and gets really into the physical comedy and the dancing and singing on it.
Mimi's heart is beating fast reading all the precious comments from our little guy. What a golden time we are in.