Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sound Theology

Before I forget this hilarious tidbit, I better write it down. This past week Huston has started talking more about Jesus being in his heart. One night at bed he said, "Bear Bear has Jesus in his heart," and I said, "Oh really? Do you know that you can ask Jesus into your heart and he'll come in and stay there forever?" Huston then squinched his eyes shut and said, "Please, Jesus, will you come into my heart?" This was immediately followed, however, by, "No, Jesus! No! You don't want Jesus in your heart." I didn't push him because it was obvious he was looking to pick a fight.

The next day we were outside playing and he just randomly started running around saying, "No, Jesus! Go away! You don't want Jesus in your heart!" Again, since he was just trying to get a reaction out of me, I just ignored him.

But later that same day we came into the house and he had Bear Bear and Blankie on the couch, and he said, "Bear Bear has Jesus in his heart." We talked about it a little bit and then he said,

"For Bear Bear take a bath, Jesus just got all wet! For Jesus come out of his heart he got all wet!"

Now that is some sound theology.

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