Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Here's my hilarious boy playing in a big tub of dirt, enjoying this fall weather that's letting him play outside more often. Huston has truly been blossoming lately and becoming more outgoing and less afraid. I think a big part of that is due to preschool, which he has been loving more than I could have ever dreamed. Tonight, while Clarke and I were at a new Bible study, we dropped him off at a house with two baby sitters and the other kids from the small group. The old Huston would never have allowed such a thing, but the new Huston didn't even blink. I mean, not even a whimper when I left him there. And before we left the house to go, he was saying "You're ready to go to that house now. You're ready to go play with the boys and girls." I could hardly believe it. When we picked him up, he was happy as a lark, talking about how they had a playground with rocks in it and how his "teachers" told him it was time to go upstairs (he seems to see everything through his school vocabulary). He just seems so grown up.

Clarke and I went through the drive through to pick up dinner after Bible study, and while Clarke was ordering, Huston rolled down his window (which he can reach with his foot) and started ordering out of it, saying, "Umm... you just want a chicken plate..." It was pretty hilarious.

One final Huston moment from today. Clarke came home and was asking Huston how his day was, and Huston was being stubborn and not responding. Clarke threatened to take away the ipod that he had let him hold if Huston couldn't be polite and respond to him, and Huston starts holding back sobs and in a weepy, quavering voice, says, "You just had a great day!"

He's a little character.

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