Monday, July 25, 2011

Poop Issues

I would apologize for writing so much about poop lately, but it's just such a big issue right now, that I don't think I will.

Huston pooped in the potty (the normal one - not the little potty) for the very first time on Saturday, July 23rd. Write that on your calendars, people. I might just celebrate that day every year. It could be bigger than Halloween. Probably just under Thanksgiving, but for sure bigger than Valentine's Day.

This poop occurred after a week of holding it in. I really don't think he had gone the entire week. Scary, I know. He had multiple incidents of little poopy smears in his underwear that were driving me crazy and on Saturday at a birthday party he let a little poop come out in the kiddie pool. These are the things they don't tell you about when you sign up for motherhood. That one day you will have to scoop your 3 year old out of a pool at a crowded party while he's screaming "Some poop came out! Some poop came out!" and leave your one year old in the hands of someone else while you rush him to your nice hostesses' bathroom and scrub his swimsuit out in her sink and try to rejoin the party as if everything were perfectly fine.

I was so fed up with all the poop that was coming out at inconvenient and inappropriate times and places, that I put Huston on the potty when we got home and told him to sit on it until the poop came out. I may or may not have been mildly upset and yelling in the car about how he was going to poop on the potty, which caused Arden to happily repeat "No, No! Poop! Potty!" and other words that I was saying in all seriousness, but that on her tongue sounded hilarious.

So he sat. And sat and sat. Think two hours or more. He screamed and cried at first, wanted me to join him in the bathroom, said no poop was coming out, etc., etc., etc. I was feeling incredibly defeated. Eventually I just told him I had to take a break and I walked out of the bathroom. Literally 30 seconds later, he yelled, "Mommy, the poop came out!" I didn't know whether or not to believe it, but I ran to the bathroom, and sure enough, there was poop in the potty!

And not just any poop. A big, loooooooong poop. Clarke said it looked like it came out of an NFL linebacker. I guess that's what you get when you hold your poop in for a week. As I was giving Huston his bath that night, he was talking about how great it was that he pooped in the potty.

And then he said, "It kind of looked like a beanstalk."

And it kind of did.

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