Monday, May 28, 2012

School's Out for Summer!

Huston had his preschool performance this past Wednesday, followed by the annual Scoopy Doo Ice Cream Social and picnic outside on the preschool lawn.

He did a-maz-ing at his performance.  And by that, I mean he didn't scream or cry.  Clarke and I sat so far in the back of the church that we could barely see him and I promised him I wouldn't invite anyone else and that I would take any pictures or video.  I told him his only choices were to sing, or to stand there quietly, but that absolutely no screaming and crying was allowed.  And he did a great job!  He looked happy, even though he wasn't singing or doing hand motions, and he only occasionally stuck his hands out in front of his face like he was trying to block someone from looking at him.

Later in the week he told me that Dinah and Blankie were supposed to sing, but instead they just stood there and pretended to be statues.  I guess that's what he was doing, too!

His music teacher, Ms. Beth, gave me a cd of all of the songs they sang this year, and Huston has been so happy singing and dancing to them in his room.  So I still feel like I've gotten to see a performance, even if he didn't sing at school.

Our last day of school was Friday.  This was the best picture I could get of him with Ms. Kate and Ms. Larissa.  They have been his sweet, patient teachers for two years now (since I held him back in the three year old room).  I know he'll miss being in their class.

He was not in the mood to pose for pictures, but I got a few of him playing outside at recess.  These are two of his best buddies from his class - Jacob, on the left, and Morton, on the right.  Aren't they cute?

Can't believe how big he looks!  On to the Pre-K class next year!

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