Thursday, May 31, 2012

First Two Days of Summer

I won't be giving a day by day account of our summer, but I thought I'd at least start well.  I'm counting yesterday and today as our first days of summer, since Monday was Memorial Day and Tuesday I was still babysitting a friend's daughter during the day.  Wednesday was our first day of no-obligation summer fun.

So Wednesday I woke up looking forward to some rest and relaxation, super excited that we had nothing on the schedule.  The kids, however, were immediately bored and were whining and fussy.  We ended up heading out to the grocery store and library after lunch, just to give us something to do.

Huston has been begging for a "rainbow snack" ever since we made one last summer, and I was finally able to get all the colors of fruit on sale and at the same time, so we made a rainbow snack.  He was so excited, he kept saying, "Thank you for making us a rainbow snack, Mommy!  I love rainbow snacks!"  Well, I kind of love them, too, buddy, considering that it's all fruit.

Of course, with his amazing memory, he wanted to sit at our big dining room table, since that's where we made our rainbow snack last year.  I convinced him to sit in the kitchen.  He also had to get over his expectation that our red color would be strawberries (since that's how we did it last time), but he was finally won over by the watermelon.  Arden had to be cajoled into eating the grapes - and I couldn't convince her to eat the rest of it.  I have the hardest time getting her to eat fruits and veggies!

Here's last year's rainbow snack, just for comparison:

In the afternoon, we went outside to blow bubbles.  Arden was thoroughly engaged for the full 45 minutes, and threw a big fit when it was time to come inside:  "No, I still blowing bubbles!  I just want to blow bubbles all day!"

This morning we woke up to a big rainstorm.  After I put the kids in the car to go to Starbucks for a toffee mocha latte (can you blame me?), we came back and played in the water streaming down our street.  In case you're wondering, I did take them out with Huston still in his pajamas, no shoes on either, and Arden with her hair unfixed.  But it was just a drive-thru, okay?  

Arden looks like Cousin It in all these pictures, but she wouldn't let me pull her hair out of her face.

We had the best time walking up and down the street, making footprints and handprints, finding worms, and just splashing around in the water.  Every time we found a worm, Huston would touch it, and when it would start squirming frantically, he would laugh hysterically and say, "I don't know why it's freaking out!"

Here's to more lazy summer fun ahead!

1 comment:

  1. Way to kick off a fun summer, sweet momma! I'm going to have to remember the rainbow snack idea...and I've been wanting to get out for some Starbucks in the mornings for awhile now...could you just bring me some? :)
