Thursday, February 18, 2010

Arden: 3 months


So my little baby turned 3 months on the 15th.  She is getting cuter and more interactive every day!  Here are a few things that have been going on with her.

- Hands: Arden has truly discovered her hands and often draws them into her face to suck on them.  If her paci falls out, she’ll bring her hands up to try and push it back in.  She has just recently begun to try to bat at the toys on her mat, too.

- Sleeping: Most of the month has been marked by her waking once a night, usually around 3 or 4.  At the beginning of the month she had a 3 night stretch of sleeping through the night, and she has successfully slept through the night a couple of other random nights.  Hopefully that means we’re getting close!  Though nap times fluctuate, she seems to be moving toward two longer naps and a short one late in the day before bedtime.

- Eating: This month marked a transition between eating every three hours to every four hours.  Generally, she eats around 7, 11, 3, and 7, and then I wake her again at 10 pm for one last feeding. 

- Illness: She got her first ear infection this month.  I spent three hours with her waiting to be seen in the urgent care clinic at Cook’s Children’s this past Friday the 12th.  She’s feeling better now, but it was quite sad.

- Laughing: The cutest thing she has been doing lately is giving us little laughs.  It’s so adorable to hear her little inhale when she’s super happy.

IMG_7649 In her bow made by Grandma.

- Favorites: Arden still  loves her baths and never ever cries during them.  She sometimes sticks out her tongue and her eyes get big as she enjoys the water being poured over her.  She loves her daddy and saves her happiest faces and laughs for when he’s playing with her.  She likes to be up where she can see all the action and is most likely to cry if you lie her down on her back after you’ve been holding her or playing with her. 


  1. Happy 3 months Arden! You are a sweetie :)

  2. Sweet Arden just keeps getting cuter! Can't wait to see her again! :)
