Tuesday, March 16, 2010

4 months

Arden had her four month check up yesterday.  Here are her current stats:

weight: 14 pounds, 2 ounces (75th percentile)

height: 25 1/4 inches (90th percentile)

Needless to say, she’s growing just fine!  :)


Arden has started grabbing toys like crazy this month and everything goes straight into her mouth.  Clarke was holding her this weekend and she saw the remotes on the couch and kept leaning forward so intently and grabbing at them.  It’s so adorable to watch her try to grab things and eat them!

She’s still super sweet and full of smiles and coos.  She rolled over from her back to her stomach for the first time on February 20th and does it frequently now, but has yet to roll from her stomach to her back.  She hasn’t had as much practice at that, because tummy time is not her favorite thing.  We broke out the Bumbo seat this month and she usually likes it for short periods of time.

She’s still waking up at night at least once to eat.  Her eating schedule during the day is generally 7, 11, 3, and7 with a late night feeding at 10.  We might try some rice cereal this month to see if that helps her sleep longer at night.

I just love my sweet little girl.  I love the way she inhales sharply when it’s windy or when you fan a blanket over her face.  I love how she grabs my shirt and my hair when I’m feeding her.  I love how she saves her best smiles and coos for when daddy comes home from work.  I love how her big brother can make her giggle and how she always follows his movements and activity with great interest.   I love how she always pulls her pacifier out of her mouth and gets so mad because she can’t get it back in.  (Okay, I don’t love that last one when she’s screaming in the back seat of the car, but it is pretty funny to see). 

Thank you, Lord, for my sweet baby girl.

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