Saturday, May 22, 2010

Arden – 6 months


Dear Arden,

Here’s what’s going on in your life at 6 months.  (I can hardly believe you’re half a year old already!)

You are obsessed with tags.  Your eyes bug out when you see a tag on one of your toys or blankets and your little hands reach up to grab it.  You like to chew and suck on them.  I wonder if you’ll still love tags when you’re older (like your Aunt Emily!). 

You’ve started saying “na, na, na” and “da, da, da” this past week.  It’s so adorable to hear your “talking.”

You got your first tooth the day after you turned 6 months old.  It’s your bottom left front one.  The one right beside it is coming it too.

At your 6 month checkup you weighed 16 pounds, 6 ounces (70th percentile) and you were 26 inches long (75th percentile).


So far you’ve eaten green beans, peas, and squash and you like all of them.  You’re only eating at dinner time right now, because you haven’t been that interested in the morning or at lunch time.

You had your first sleepover with Huston at Mimi’s house on Friday, May 14th.  You even slept through the night for her, which you’ve also been doing consistently for me for at least the past three weeks.  It is so awesome to finally sleep through the night, that I don’t mind so much the 6 or 6:30 wake up time.

You are pretty much sitting up by yourself, although you tumble over easily enough.  I always put your boppy behind you in case you fall.

Your long, side-swept bangs are getting the tiniest little kink at the tips.  I wonder if your hair will be curly.

I love to watch you get up on all fours now and rock back and forth.  You always manage to push yourself backwards, away from the toys you’re trying to reach.  It shouldn’t be too long now before you start crawling!


1 comment:

  1. Seriously? Six months old? Where does the time go?! She looks like such a little lady sitting with her boppy!
