Monday, May 10, 2010

First Baseball Game

We got four tickets to the Ranger’s game from Clarke’s firm for Saturday night, so we decided to take Huston and Arden to their very first baseball game.


Huston was excited and impressed from outside of the stadium.  He watches the Rangers games on TV with Clarke sometimes and is always interested in the score and in the guys “falling down.”  He’s really into bricks lately (mostly how it’s bumpy when you drive over bricks) so he loved the bricks that we walked on to cross the parking lot and the bricks on the walls of the stadium.


He was also impressed by the huge escalators and rode one with Clarke just for fun.


As soon as we walked into the stadium, however, the Rangers had a huge play and the crowd went crazy.  Huston immediately freaked out about all the noise and started screaming and crying. 

Clarke took him to buy some ice cream in a hat, which he liked, but which he ate with both fingers plugging his ears to block out the crowd noise.  That is, in fact, how he spent the majority of the game.

By the end of the game, Huston was enjoying himself.  He walked up and down the steps (until the usher made him stop) and he played with the stadium seats.  Arden was having a ball the whole time, just looking around and enjoying all the sights.  She would stare down the people around us until they looked at her, and then break into the biggest smiles.  The people around us all seemed amused by both Huston and Arden.  We made it to the fifth inning, and then called it a night.  The weather was perfect, the tickets were free, and both kids had fun (eventually).  I’d call that a success.

(As a side note, as we arrived at our house after the game, Huston recited our entire address out of the blue – number and street name.  I was quite impressed!)

1 comment:

  1. Huston, my favorite part is getting ice cream in a baseball hat too! What a fun night!
