Thursday, May 6, 2010

Arden at 5 months

This post is just a bit late, considering Arden turned 5 months on April 15th and is now closer to 6 months old.  Things have been busy lately.  :)


Darling, sweet Arden.  You are such a little dear.  You had your first taste of rice cereal on April 17th, just two days after you turned 5 months.  You were definitely interested, but your tongue kept pushing the cereal back out of your mouth and onto your bib, where you licked it up. 

You’ve gotten better since then and have been eating rice cereal around 7 in the morning and 6 in the evening ever since.  It’s funny to watch you get excited when you see it coming.  We still haven’t tried vegetables or fruit yet, but we will soon.


(Huston really wanted to help feed you, and Bear Bear wanted to watch you eat.)

You’ve been playing in your exersaucer a lot this month – you especially love to eat the star and the dragon head.  You’ve become incredibly “grabby” and just want to grab everything around you and stick it in your mouth.  The remote controls especially attract your attention and it’s become dangerous to hold you around the dinner table as you’ll grab for whatever food or utensil or drink is closest to you.

You are getting so strong and can push yourself up now with your arms completely straight.  For the longest time you could only flip yourself onto your stomach, but now you’re able to roll both ways.  You are finally able to sleep without being swaddled and have slept through the night a few times, but not consistently.  I think the rice cereal is helping you stay full longer and I’ve let you cry it out a few times, too.  I dropped your late night feeding, so now you nurse at 7 am, 11, 3 pm, and just before you go to sleep. 

You have the sweetest round face and chubby cheeks, beautiful blue eyes, chunky thighs with delicious baby fat rolls, and chubby little arms.  You’re such an easy going little thing and are almost never fussy unless you’re really tired or hungry.  You adore your older brother, get so happy when Daddy comes home, and just love to be around people.  You kick both legs when you’re super happy, whether you’re on your stomach or your back.  People are always telling me how beautiful you are and of course I believe them.  In fact, a nursery worker at church said you reminded her of Snow White, with your fair skin, dark hair, and blue eyes.

My own little Snow White Princess.  You are too much for words.  As I write this, you’re playing on your blanket beside me, making sweet baby noises and smiling.  The ruffles on your little diaper cover are so precious, but not as precious as your chubby legs and tiny feet, and not nearly as precious as the smile you just gave me. 

I love you, my little sweetie pie.

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