Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Arden at 7 months

(I know, I know, I come up with the most creative titles for my blog posts). 

Sweet little Arden has hit two major milestones in the past week.  First, she started crawling on June 8th, just a week shy of the 7 month mark.  She was on the verge for quite some time, and finally figured out how to work those hands and legs together.  Now she is all over the place.  Huston never put things in his mouth, but Arden loves to.  Her favorite forbidden treasure is paper of any kind.  Somehow she manages to find pieces of paper all over the house and I’m constantly fishing little bits out of her mouth that she’s managed to chew off.  She also likes to play with the doorstoppers and I’ve had to remove the little white caps from almost all of them because she kept getting those in her mouth.  I must say that her newfound ability to get around the house is completely exhausting me.  She can be surrounded by a sea of toys, but she will always crawl right over and around them to go for the paper, wires, remotes, and all the other “non-toys.” 


I have no good pictures of her crawling yet because I’ve been too busy trying to keep her from hurting herself.  (So here’s a picture of her wrestling Huston’s giant plastic shovel).  It seems like every 3 minutes she gets herself into some kind of predicament (banging her head on furniture, crawling under something that she can’t get out of, slipping when whatever she’s holding onto moves) that makes her face scrunch up as she lets out her seriously “sad” cry.  Either that, or she’s doing her “mad” cry because I’ve had to take away a forbidden toy.  Like the rocks from the fireplace.  Out of her mouth.  She is a tricky little thing.

The second major milestone she’s reached recently (just yesterday, in fact) is pulling herself up.  I didn’t expect her to be able to do this quite so soon, but yesterday she pulled herself up onto her knees by the toy bin and after her nap she had pulled herself all the way up to a standing position.  Time to lower that crib!


(Look at those long, wispy bangs!)

Here she is after her nap this morning.  Love that “help me, mommy, don’t take a picture” look.IMG_9252

And a few more just because she’s so cute.

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