Friday, June 11, 2010

Potty Time

I finally took the plunge and started potty training Huston.  I had given it a shot one day back in February and it was a complete and utter failure, so I was not too anxious to try again.  Last Thursday, June 3rd, I decide I could procrastinate no longer.  I rolled up the living room rug, busted out the Thomas underwear, got out the juice boxes, and set up the potty.  It was a tiring endeavor the first few days, constantly asking if he had to go potty, sitting on the potty, trying to make the potty a fun place to be…. you get the idea. 

IMG_9105(Showing off his moves in his cool Thomas underwear)

We spent part of the first morning outside.  Here’s Arden enjoying some outside time, while Huston does a little multi-tasking.

He had several successes and several accidents the first day, but actually pooped on the potty the very first day and Daddy gave him a “James” train (from Thomas the Tank Engine) as his big reward.  I was so hyped that he did that the first day, but in the week since then he has not yet repeated that amazing feat.  He has held his poop in for an entire day, pooped in his underwear, and pooped in his pull up.  Just about everywhere except the potty.

For the most part, though, I think he’s doing really well.  He hasn’t had a really big accident since about day 3.  However, he still will not tell me when he needs to go and will always say “no” if I ask if he needs to go to the bathroom.  He just can’t bear the thought of leaving what he’s playing with to go potty.  So every hour or so I just have to take him to the bathroom and he’ll go.  Thankfully, he seems to be able to hold it pretty well.  Now his main thing if I haven’t made him go in awhile, is that he’ll just barely wet his underwear and then I’ll notice it and take him to the bathroom.  We’re still working on that.

It has been a relief to get out of the house again the past few days.  He stayed dry through Sunday school on Sunday, a visit to Chuck E Cheese for his cousins’ birthday party, all of the errands we’ve run, a trip to the mall, and he even went potty at church while I was at a women’s salad luncheon on Wednesday.  I think our next big hurdle (besides the pooping thing) is getting over the fear of the normal sized potties in the world, which to him seem enormous and scary.  He screams like I’m trying to drop him into a giant water hole if I suggest he sit on one (even with a special toddler seat on top of it).


So - there is more than you have probably ever, ever wanted to hear about potties.  Hopefully Huston won’t see this one day and be beyond embarrassed.  No one save this for his high school yearbook, okay?  He might not appreciate that.

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