Monday, June 18, 2012

My Little Hoarder

This is the way Huston's room looks on any given day:

Lego creations strewn about the floor, his favorite books all scattered about, transformers guarding the entrance, and a random grocery cart full of items that he assembled three weeks ago and parked in his room, refusing to let anyone else touch it.

Here it is on a different day.  Notice Dinah standing at the entrance of her "house."

A set of cups assembled in an orderly fashion, a random drum stick, and a comet stencil.

A line of plates and teacups:

It is an absolute disaster and he guards all of his treasures fiercely.  Like a mama bear protecting her cubs.  He's always yelling, "Arden!  Where are you going?!" if he thinks Arden might be heading to his room.  He even does it to me, saying, "Mommy, where are you?  What are you doing?" for the sole purpose of knowing if I'm in his room moving something around.  Before he spent the night at Clarke's parent's house a few weeks ago, he asked, "Mommy, are you going to have to vacuum tonight?" because he knows that when I vacuum I need the floor cleared, and he hates having to clean up his floor.

It really is like he gets more enjoyment out of being surrounded by piles of things he loves.  I can only imagine the problems this could cause down the line (Hoarders, anyone?)

I finally had enough of it last week, and convinced him that a major clean up was in order.  We managed to agree on where to put everything so it's accessible, but neat.  Who knows how long it will stay like this, but I'm enjoying it for now.

I even got him a funky new little chair at a garage sale for $10.  He said it was his favorite chair ever.

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